When You Lie...You Get Caught

Posted by Fabulous on 7:07 PM in , , , ,
Man. It feels like forever since the last time that I blogged. Actually, it has been a long time since I've blogged. I had told myself that I wasn't going to use my blog as a place to only vent, that I'd write good things, happy things, and all kinds of things on my blog but it really seems to be my venting place.

As some of you recall from my last blog post I had written about how my co-worker, DQ, had told my boss that she was pregnant. But she only told him in order to defend herself and her actions to him. We had a huge scrap at work about her being a dumb scraggly cunt and her defense was that she too was pregnant and dealing with sick parents and blah blah blah. The minute I heard that news I knew it was bullshit. In fact, I posted on my blog that DQ would have a miscarriage. In fact here is a quote from my last blog:

My guess is that DQ is lying about being pregnant and is going to use the excuse of traveling for work, dealing with sick parents, and of course stress at work as why she had a miscarriage. If she does that it is extremely low and disgusting. What kind of a human being lies about stuff like that?

Well guess what? In an e-mail on Tuesday from her boyfriend my boss was informed that DQ suffered a miscarriage and had surgery (surgery for a miscarriage? Um no its called a D&C and its not a surgery, its a freaking suction). She still had no idea what had happened to her and wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. A few hours later DQ emailed our boss something work related and he asked her if it was okay to call her because someone had a complaint, she wrote back saying that she wasn't in the mood to talk and that she was with a client.

Wait wait what?! She had a miscarriage, she had surgery, and two freaking hours later she is at work dealing with clients? Now, I've never had a miscarriage but people around me have and they were DEVASTATED when they miscarried. They took a week off work and stayed home and cried and tried to get over the fact that they lost the little person that was growing inside of them. No, not DQ. She's such a freaking trooper that she got up and went to work and was returning emails within 3 minutes of getting them.

Oh but that isn't all. I do the expense reports for work. I get to see what everyone spends money on. It's usually boring but when you hate someone you really want to catch every single one of their errors. Ohhh you wrote 59.65 when it was really 56.95.... Anyway, so I'm going through her expense reports and this is what I came across. Daily she would stop at Starbucks and have herself a Skinny Vanilla Latte. Was it decaf? Nope! She also had sushi a few times, and I read the bill. It wasn't a California roll or something veggie. It was straight up raw fish, yellow fin tail tuna etc. And everyday she had herself a 20oz soft drink. Hmmm that just doesn't seem like something that a pregnant woman would do. Especially a pregnant woman who already had health issues to begin with.

My co-worker NSF who took my spot at the tradeshow in Vegas informed me that while they were at the show she had sushi, coffee, soft drinks, and of course wine. All of this in front of my boss too. At one point he said, "I'm going to Starbucks for a coffee does anyone want anything?" and she piped up with, "Yes a vanilla latte" and he did the hand gesture for "c'mon tell me the rest of it.." he was waiting for her to say decaf and she said that her doctor said that one coffee a day wasn't bad for her or her developing baby. Boss said that her doctor was obviously a crack addict and brought her back a decaf. She was pissed.

So now I have all this "proof" or speculations that DQ was just lying about her pregnancy in order to excuse her actions. I called it that she would "have a miscarriage" because obviously after a while you have to have a baby bump or show an ultra sound right? I mean, this is my first pregnancy and the minute I did my ultrasound I MMS my friends and family a picture of the ultra sound and posted them on facebook and brought the pictures to work the next day. That's what normal excited people do right?

Do I tell my boss what I think or is it completely out of line? I don't like it when people take advantage of other people or their emotions. My boss is very understanding and he feels for his employees. He was 100% understanding of my morning sickness and gave me reduced hours until I felt better. He constantly asks me if I'm okay and if I need anything. He's asked if his and NSF cologne bothered me at all and he tries not to microwave foods that smell too strong. So it bothers me to the point of no return that this person would lie and take advantage of his feelings like that.

Do I bring it up? How do I bring it up? Do I just sit there and shut up when I know shes full of shit?


This is a very strange situation and yes, I would be just as curious as you, given the facts.

Based on my risk management experience, I see an easy solution...

The company should always request a "Return to Work" slip from any employee who has stated that they had surgery, a medical procedure or missed work because of an illness or injury. Let me explain.

First, it covers the company. Say she came back to work, fainted and hurt herself. Then it's worker's compensation and maybe she shouldn't have been back anyway.

Second, it's normally required to document for your file that you were out.

Third, will confirm for your payroll recordkeeping.

Fourth, the employee might not be ready to return to work or might require light duty - also reference point #1.

So find out what she submitted to the company or if she even justified her absence. We don't let someone walk back in the door here w/o that slip in their hand.

And most importantly, it helps cut down on the lying.

Worst case scenario - just bust her for falsifying her expense reports. I'm not sure I view a daily coffee as reimbursable...

Hi. I'm just stopping back to make sure you were still talking to me after my crazy-long last comment! LOL. I hope this finds you doing well.

I've tried a few times to post on your other blog. It won't let me. Will send you an e-mail and feel free to delete this post after viewing it. Hope all is well and I look forward to catching up soon.

Hey, you alive, girl. Sorry to leave another comment here. I still can't figure out how to leave a comment on your other blog.

ok...so i found this because I just had a miscarriage and somebody is accusing me of lying. I know the truth. I went through the pain. This is the crappiest thing I could have read right now. You seem like you just have a vendetta against this woman and you are wasting your own precious time and energy on rooting out her "errors" and looking for "proof" against her. Thing is, I have no proof except for Drs bills to show for my miscarriage, which could be for anything. How the hell is it any of your business to sleuth out this woman whether or not she miscarried or not? You seem like a total bitch who meddles in others affairs to the detriment of her own. You're the kind of person I despise right now.

oh I have an employee who told me she was pregnant then called in the next day cause she had cramps and the next day said she had a miscarrage but came back to work the next day said the baby was stillborn still in her body and never had any bleeding, plus I think the dumb bitch is stealing money

I have had a DC and your down for a while...bed rest....

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